ta3d.darkstars.co.uk link
Welcome To my TA3D Pages.

Current Build Playable
 Ta3d 0.5.0 Test 10 
  This is a self extracting archive.
Directions below in Yellow

SVN R02020
Ta3d-R02020 Src Archive
Ta3d-R02007 Src Archive
  Ta3d-R02007 Src SFX

Mingw 4.4.0
Cmake 2.6.4

SourceCode of Ta3d

Tools  For TA & Ta3d

Resources For Ta3d 

Videos of Ta3d

Totala Demo Files and Installer

This is an Archive of
the previous versions
 of Ta3d

Contact me with comments or questions about this

I can also be reached Here in general

Anti spam in all addresses be sure to read before sending.

This is where I will be documenting my work.

I am not a C / C++ Programmer. Makefiles and Configure confuse me greatly.
Cmake is turning out to be just as confusing. This is a learning experience for me.

Assuming I can even learn to compile Ta3d on windows.
My goal is to use MinGw on win32 Via Win2k / Winxp / Reactos to compile & run.

Sourcecode contains the sourcecode of the various versions of Ta3d
Tools contains the tools necessary to compile the program.

Both of these are currently on ongoing effort and are as incomplete as this page for now.

Update : 08/04/09

I am redesigning my compilation environment.

It will now be Mingw 4.4.0 - This is my first step toward doing a 64-bit compile after I have a win64 setup to run it in.

I have this working already, however I am still working on making it more compact.
The first working version is over a gigabyte with Ta3d Sourcecode included.

I am hoping to trim this down under two 200Mb plus sourcecode.

I will be putting up two SVN archives.

http://ta3d.freedoors.org/Ta3d - This is for Sourcecode.

http://ta3d.freedoors.org/Ta3Dev - This is for the Compiler.

These wil be online in a few days. They are currently empty.
This is a copy Mingw 4.4.0 modified to be self contained.
You can copy it to another drive letter or the contents to another directory and modifications to one will not effect the other.

Ta3Dev Directions

This self extracting archive will by default install on C:\

This is a customized install of mingw 4.4.0 W/Msys 1.0.11 & Cmake 2.6.4 intended for compiling Ta3d 0.5.0 Test 4 or later.

Click on msys.bat to launch.
Profile name is preset to ta3d

You will find a directory under it labelled r0xxxx, this indicates the SVN revision number.

type cmake-gui to start.
Choose the R0xxxx directory, clear cache everytime (file menu) before beginning. Press configure choose msys make files then press it again ignoring the missing files warning as long as the middle section does not caintain RED letters, presence indicates terminal error. When configure is done press generate makefiles, close cmake.

type make and be patient.
when FINALLY done copy ta3d-bin.exe & 3dmeditor.exe to the games\ta3d directory then double click on ta3d.bat to play the game you just compiled.

NEW - 09/04/08
Ta3d 0.5.0 Test 8
There is now an archive dedicated to just the game demo.

There is a completely new build environment, it is Mingw32 4.3.0 based instead of 3.4.5
Mingw64 will follow as my hardware upgrades.

KinBoats tools contain the binaries and the sourcecode as well. I am attempting to port them to opensource alternatives but this is proceeding very slow as I am leaning as I go.

I have also added an SVN for anyone who cares.



NEW  -  06/04/08
Just added KinBoat tools to the Tools directory.
These are 3D0Builder, Annihilator, COB Builder, GAF Builder, TA Unit Manager
Also added HPI Utils.

If anyone happens to know of an opensource VB6 clone please let ME know. (Antispam in affect - read addr carefully)

01/12/08 - Setup and the first compile.

Directions for Demo.

The self extracting archive is for win32.
Win2k/Xp or Reactos only.
It will by default extract to C:\ giving  you a C:\Games\ta3d directory complete and ready to run. It contains  everything needed to play.

In this archive are all the files needed to be able to play test Ta3d. Some of the files are from the old Tademo game demo files freely available on the net the rest are from a map set publically available from the cavedog ftp and it's surviving mirrors.

If you don't want to use the demo files then instead of using then you can add

totala1.hpi, totala2.hpi Etc.

from the appropriate TA cd's or your old TA and play to your hearts content.

Just got  Ta3d-test10 up and  running.
Made a self extracting archive out of it.
Grab the Ta3d-test10 on the label.
Download it to where ever you want.
Double click on it to run, The default place is c:\
Set the new destination or accept the default and let it run.
If you extract it to other than the default place there are some changes that will need to be made to the msys.bat file.
Lines 16 & 17 contain the variables mingwdir & allegro_config
Modify the paths to match where you extracted the archive.
If it is c:\ then no changes need be made. If it you put it in d:\ then just change the c:\ to d:\
Other places follow the same pattern.
The first time you run mingw it will create a profile name under the home diretory.
Use cd .. to put youerself in home.
then use cd ta3d to go into ta3d under home.
use the command


Next you use

make clean

then you use make to actually make the game


the program will now compile. This archive is done because of the by windows standards complexity of the compilation requirements. It is my hope to keep making updated versions of this archive over time so as to make it easy to bring new people into the fold.

This also includes a test change in the stdafx.h file.
In the searchstring function the variable not found is used. A size_t given a value of -1.
I replaced that variable with a call to string.npos at about line 240.

I hope to be able to reduce other compilation warnings similarly.